It is now Monday, the 11th of May and we have just arrived in Calzadilla de la Cueza, having walked across broad, flat plains for the last 16 kilometres.
We are finding access to the inte
rnet to be infrequent, and very difficult to upload photographs, of which we are taking plenty.
Hermitage of San Nicolas
Our longest walk took place a couple of days back when we left Castrojeriz. Vast fields with this years crop just starting. Coincidences always occuring. The waiter in a restaurant Bill Hunter and I had eaten in six years before immediately identified me as Canadian; he still has a relationship with the young Canadian woman he was interested in the first time we met him. Bouncing into the restaurant came Alejandro Sandoval, whom I would call the ambassador-at-large for Itero de la Vega. We had met him six years before when he was sitting on the edge of a field way out in the country, making a census of pilgrims: 2 Canadians, 1 Belgian, 3 Spaniards, and so on. This time he entered the room in a merry mood, danced with the youngest woman he could find, and picked up the conversation with us.
Bridge over Rio Pisuerga, that serves as the boundary between Burgos and Palencia.
Fromista, 25 kilometers after Castrojeriz (all in one day), has two beautiful churches, a romanesque basilica whose lines are perfect, and a tall gothic structure. Then we were on to Villalcazar de Sirga, with its enormous church, testimony to richer times in the past.
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